/* wld: wayland-drm.c * * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Michael Forney * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "wayland.h" #include "drm.h" #include "protocol/wayland-drm-client-protocol.h" #include "wayland-private.h" #include "wld-private.h" #include "drm-private.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct drm_context { struct wayland_context base; struct wld_context * driver_context; struct wl_drm * wl; struct wl_registry * registry; struct wl_array formats; uint32_t capabilities; int fd; bool authenticated; }; #define WAYLAND_IMPL_NAME drm #include "interface/context.h" #include "interface/wayland.h" IMPL(drm_context, wld_context) static void registry_global(void * data, struct wl_registry * registry, uint32_t name, const char * interface, uint32_t version); static void registry_global_remove(void * data, struct wl_registry * registry, uint32_t name); static void drm_device(void * data, struct wl_drm * wl, const char * name); static void drm_format(void * data, struct wl_drm * wl, uint32_t format); static void drm_authenticated(void * data, struct wl_drm * wl); static void drm_capabilities(void * data, struct wl_drm * wl, uint32_t capabilities); const static struct wl_registry_listener registry_listener = { .global = ®istry_global, .global_remove = ®istry_global_remove }; const static struct wl_drm_listener drm_listener = { .device = &drm_device, .format = &drm_format, .authenticated = &drm_authenticated, .capabilities = &drm_capabilities }; struct wayland_context * wayland_create_context(struct wl_display * display, struct wl_event_queue * queue) { struct drm_context * context; if (!(context = malloc(sizeof *context))) goto error0; context_initialize(&context->base.base, &wld_context_impl); context->wl = NULL; context->fd = -1; context->capabilities = 0; wl_array_init(&context->formats); if (!(context->registry = wl_display_get_registry(display))) goto error1; wl_registry_add_listener(context->registry, ®istry_listener, context); wl_proxy_set_queue((struct wl_proxy *) context->registry, queue); /* Wait for wl_drm global. */ wl_display_roundtrip_queue(display, queue); if (!context->wl) { DEBUG("No wl_drm global\n"); goto error2; } wl_drm_add_listener(context->wl, &drm_listener, context); /* Wait for DRM capabilities and device. */ wl_display_roundtrip_queue(display, queue); if (!(context->capabilities & WL_DRM_CAPABILITY_PRIME)) { DEBUG("No PRIME support\n"); goto error3; } if (context->fd == -1) { DEBUG("No DRM device\n"); goto error3; } /* Wait for DRM authentication. */ wl_display_roundtrip_queue(display, queue); if (!context->authenticated) { DEBUG("DRM authentication failed\n"); goto error4; } if (!(context->driver_context = wld_drm_create_context(context->fd))) { DEBUG("Couldn't initialize context for DRM device\n"); goto error4; } return &context->base; error4: close(context->fd); error3: wl_drm_destroy(context->wl); error2: wl_registry_destroy(context->registry); error1: wl_array_release(&context->formats); free(context); error0: return NULL; } bool wayland_has_format(struct wld_context * base, uint32_t format) { struct drm_context * context = drm_context(base); uint32_t * supported_format; wl_array_for_each(supported_format, &context->formats) { if (*supported_format == format) return true; } return false; } EXPORT int wld_wayland_drm_get_fd(struct wld_context * base) { struct drm_context * context = drm_context(base); return context->authenticated ? context->fd : -1; } struct wld_renderer * context_create_renderer(struct wld_context * base) { struct drm_context * context = drm_context(base); return wld_create_renderer(context->driver_context); } struct buffer * context_create_buffer(struct wld_context * base, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, uint32_t flags) { struct drm_context * context = drm_context(base); struct buffer * buffer; union wld_object object; struct wl_buffer * wl; if (!wayland_has_format(base, format)) goto error0; buffer = context->driver_context->impl->create_buffer (context->driver_context, width, height, format, flags); if (!buffer) goto error0; if (!wld_export(&buffer->base, WLD_DRM_OBJECT_PRIME_FD, &object)) goto error1; wl = wl_drm_create_prime_buffer(context->wl, object.i, width, height, format, 0, buffer->base.pitch, 0, 0, 0, 0); close(object.i); if (!wl) goto error1; if (!wayland_buffer_add_exporter(buffer, wl)) goto error2; return buffer; error2: wl_buffer_destroy(wl); error1: wld_buffer_unreference(&buffer->base); error0: return NULL; } struct buffer * context_import_buffer(struct wld_context * context, uint32_t type, union wld_object object, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, uint32_t pitch) { return NULL; } void context_destroy(struct wld_context * base) { struct drm_context * context = drm_context(base); wld_destroy_context(context->driver_context); close(context->fd); wl_drm_destroy(context->wl); wl_registry_destroy(context->registry); wl_array_release(&context->formats); wl_event_queue_destroy(context->base.queue); free(context); } void registry_global(void * data, struct wl_registry * registry, uint32_t name, const char * interface, uint32_t version) { struct drm_context * context = data; if (strcmp(interface, "wl_drm") == 0 && version >= 2) context->wl = wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &wl_drm_interface, 2); } void registry_global_remove(void * data, struct wl_registry * registry, uint32_t name) { } void drm_device(void * data, struct wl_drm * wl, const char * name) { struct drm_context * context = data; drm_magic_t magic; context->fd = open(name, O_RDWR); if (context->fd == -1) { DEBUG("Couldn't open DRM device '%s'\n", name); return; } drmGetMagic(context->fd, &magic); wl_drm_authenticate(wl, magic); } void drm_format(void * data, struct wl_drm * wl, uint32_t format) { struct drm_context * context = data; *((uint32_t *) wl_array_add(&context->formats, sizeof format)) = format; } void drm_authenticated(void * data, struct wl_drm * wl) { struct drm_context * context = data; context->authenticated = true; } void drm_capabilities(void * data, struct wl_drm * wl, uint32_t capabilities) { struct drm_context * context = data; context->capabilities = capabilities; }