/* wld: nouveau.c * * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Michael Forney * * Based in part upon nvc0_exa.c from xf86-video-nouveau, which is: * * Copyright 2007 NVIDIA, Corporation * Copyright 2008 Ben Skeggs * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "g80_2d.xml.h" #include "g80_defs.xml.h" #include "nv_object.xml.h" #include "wld/drm-private.h" #include "wld/drm.h" #include "wld/pixman.h" #include #include enum nv_architecture { NV_ARCH_50 = 0x50, NV_ARCH_C0 = 0xc0, NV_ARCH_E0 = 0xe0 }; struct nouveau_context { struct wld_context base; struct nouveau_device *device; struct nouveau_client *client; enum nv_architecture architecture; }; struct nouveau_renderer { struct wld_renderer base; struct nouveau_object *channel; struct nouveau_pushbuf *pushbuf; struct nouveau_bufctx *bufctx; struct nouveau_object *nvc0_2d; struct nouveau_buffer *target; }; struct nouveau_buffer { struct buffer base; struct wld_exporter exporter; struct nouveau_context *context; struct nouveau_bo *bo; }; #include "../interface/buffer.h" #include "../interface/context.h" #include "../interface/renderer.h" #define DRM_DRIVER_NAME nouveau #include "../interface/drm.h" IMPL(nouveau_context, wld_context) IMPL(nouveau_renderer, wld_renderer) IMPL(nouveau_buffer, wld_buffer) /**** DRM driver ****/ bool driver_device_supported(uint32_t vendor_id, uint32_t device_id) { return vendor_id == 0x10de; } struct wld_context *driver_create_context(int drm_fd) { struct nouveau_context *context; if (!(context = malloc(sizeof *context))) goto error0; if (nouveau_device_wrap(drm_fd, 0, &context->device) != 0) goto error1; switch (context->device->chipset & ~0xf) { /* TODO: Support NV50 case 0x50: case 0x80: case 0x90: case 0xa0: context->architecture = NV_ARCH_50; break; */ case 0xc0: case 0xd0: context->architecture = NV_ARCH_C0; break; /* TODO: Support NVE0 case 0xe0: case 0xf0: case 0x100: context->architecture = NV_ARCH_E0; break; */ default: return NULL; } if (nouveau_client_new(context->device, &context->client) != 0) goto error2; context_initialize(&context->base, &wld_context_impl); return &context->base; error2: nouveau_device_del(&context->device); error1: free(context); error0: return NULL; } /**** Context ****/ static inline bool ensure_space(struct nouveau_pushbuf *push, uint32_t count) { if (push->end - push->cur > count) return true; return nouveau_pushbuf_space(push, count, 0, 0) == 0; } static inline void nv_add_dword(struct nouveau_pushbuf *push, uint32_t dword) { *push->cur++ = dword; } static inline void nv_add_dwords_va(struct nouveau_pushbuf *push, uint16_t count, va_list dwords) { while (count--) nv_add_dword(push, va_arg(dwords, uint32_t)); } static inline void nv_add_data(struct nouveau_pushbuf *push, void *data, uint32_t count) { memcpy(push->cur, data, count * 4); push->cur += count; } static inline uint32_t nvc0_format(uint32_t format) { switch (format) { case WLD_FORMAT_XRGB8888: return G80_SURFACE_FORMAT_BGRX8_UNORM; case WLD_FORMAT_ARGB8888: return G80_SURFACE_FORMAT_BGRA8_UNORM; } return 0; } enum { GF100_COMMAND_TYPE_INCREASING = 1, GF100_COMMAND_TYPE_NON_INCREASING = 3, GF100_COMMAND_TYPE_INLINE = 4 }; enum { GF100_SUBCHANNEL_2D = 3, }; static inline uint32_t nvc0_command(uint8_t type, uint8_t subchannel, uint16_t method, uint16_t count_or_value) { return type << 29 | count_or_value << 16 | subchannel << 13 | method >> 2; } static inline void nvc0_inline(struct nouveau_pushbuf *push, uint8_t subchannel, uint16_t method, uint16_t value) { nv_add_dword( push, nvc0_command(GF100_COMMAND_TYPE_INLINE, subchannel, method, value)); } static inline void nvc0_methods(struct nouveau_pushbuf *push, uint8_t subchannel, uint16_t start_method, uint16_t count, ...) { va_list dwords; nv_add_dword(push, nvc0_command(GF100_COMMAND_TYPE_INCREASING, subchannel, start_method, count)); va_start(dwords, count); nv_add_dwords_va(push, count, dwords); va_end(dwords); } #define nvc0_2d(push, method, count, ...) \ nvc0_methods(push, GF100_SUBCHANNEL_2D, method, count, __VA_ARGS__) #define nvc0_2d_inline(push, method, value) \ nvc0_inline(push, GF100_SUBCHANNEL_2D, method, value) static bool nvc0_2d_initialize(struct nouveau_renderer *renderer) { int ret; ret = nouveau_object_new(renderer->channel, GF100_2D, GF100_2D, NULL, 0, &renderer->nvc0_2d); if (ret != 0) goto error0; if (!ensure_space(renderer->pushbuf, 5)) goto error1; nvc0_2d(renderer->pushbuf, NV1_SUBCHAN_OBJECT, 1, renderer->nvc0_2d->handle); nvc0_2d_inline(renderer->pushbuf, G80_2D_OPERATION, G80_2D_OPERATION_SRCCOPY_AND); nvc0_2d_inline(renderer->pushbuf, G80_2D_UNK0884, 0x3f); nvc0_2d_inline(renderer->pushbuf, G80_2D_UNK0888, 1); return true; error1: nouveau_object_del(&renderer->nvc0_2d); error0: return false; } static void nvc0_2d_finalize(struct nouveau_renderer *renderer) { nouveau_object_del(&renderer->nvc0_2d); } struct wld_renderer *context_create_renderer(struct wld_context *base) { struct nouveau_context *context = nouveau_context(base); struct nouveau_renderer *renderer; struct nvc0_fifo fifo = {}; int ret; if (!(renderer = malloc(sizeof *renderer))) goto error0; ret = nouveau_object_new(&context->device->object, 0, NOUVEAU_FIFO_CHANNEL_CLASS, &fifo, sizeof fifo, &renderer->channel); if (ret != 0) goto error1; ret = nouveau_pushbuf_new(context->client, renderer->channel, 4, 32 * 1024, true, &renderer->pushbuf); if (ret != 0) goto error2; if (nouveau_bufctx_new(context->client, 1, &renderer->bufctx) != 0) goto error3; if (!nvc0_2d_initialize(renderer)) goto error4; renderer_initialize(&renderer->base, &wld_renderer_impl); renderer->target = NULL; return &renderer->base; error4: nouveau_bufctx_del(&renderer->bufctx); error3: nouveau_pushbuf_del(&renderer->pushbuf); error2: nouveau_object_del(&renderer->channel); error1: free(renderer); error0: return NULL; } static bool export(struct wld_exporter *exporter, struct wld_buffer *base, uint32_t type, union wld_object *object) { struct nouveau_buffer *buffer = nouveau_buffer(base); switch (type) { case WLD_DRM_OBJECT_HANDLE: object->u32 = buffer->bo->handle; return true; case WLD_DRM_OBJECT_PRIME_FD: if (nouveau_bo_set_prime(buffer->bo, &object->i) != 0) return false; return true; default: return false; } } static struct nouveau_buffer *new_buffer(struct nouveau_context *context, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, uint32_t pitch) { struct nouveau_buffer *buffer; if (!(buffer = malloc(sizeof *buffer))) return NULL; buffer_initialize(&buffer->base, &wld_buffer_impl, width, height, format, pitch); buffer->context = context; buffer->exporter.export = &export; wld_buffer_add_exporter(&buffer->base.base, &buffer->exporter); return buffer; } static inline uint32_t roundup(uint32_t value, uint32_t alignment) { return (value + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1); } struct buffer *context_create_buffer(struct wld_context *base, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, uint32_t flags) { struct nouveau_context *context = nouveau_context(base); struct nouveau_buffer *buffer; uint32_t bpp = format_bytes_per_pixel(format), pitch = roundup(width * bpp, 64), bo_flags; union nouveau_bo_config config = {}; if (!(buffer = new_buffer(context, width, height, format, pitch))) goto error0; bo_flags = NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM; if (flags & WLD_DRM_FLAG_SCANOUT) bo_flags |= NOUVEAU_BO_CONTIG; if (height > 0x40 && !(flags & WLD_FLAG_MAP)) { config.nvc0.tile_mode = 0x40; config.nvc0.memtype = 0xfe; height = roundup(height, 0x80); } else bo_flags |= NOUVEAU_BO_MAP; if (nouveau_bo_new(context->device, bo_flags, 0, pitch * height, &config, &buffer->bo) != 0) { goto error1; } return &buffer->base; error1: free(buffer); error0: return NULL; } struct buffer *context_import_buffer(struct wld_context *base, uint32_t type, union wld_object object, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, uint32_t pitch) { struct nouveau_context *context = (void *)base; struct nouveau_buffer *buffer; struct nouveau_bo *bo = NULL; switch (type) { case WLD_DRM_OBJECT_PRIME_FD: if (nouveau_bo_prime_handle_ref(context->device, object.i, &bo) != 0) { goto error0; } break; default: goto error0; } if (!(buffer = new_buffer(context, width, height, format, pitch))) goto error1; buffer->bo = bo; return &buffer->base; error1: nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &buffer->bo); error0: return NULL; } void context_destroy(struct wld_context *base) { struct nouveau_context *context = nouveau_context(base); nouveau_client_del(&context->client); nouveau_device_del(&context->device); free(context); } /**** Renderer ****/ uint32_t renderer_capabilities(struct wld_renderer *renderer, struct buffer *buffer) { if (buffer->base.impl == &wld_buffer_impl) return WLD_CAPABILITY_READ | WLD_CAPABILITY_WRITE; return 0; } bool renderer_set_target(struct wld_renderer *base, struct buffer *buffer) { struct nouveau_renderer *renderer = nouveau_renderer(base); if (buffer && buffer->base.impl != &wld_buffer_impl) return false; renderer->target = buffer ? nouveau_buffer(&buffer->base) : NULL; return true; } static inline void nvc0_2d_use_buffer(struct nouveau_renderer *renderer, struct nouveau_buffer *buffer, uint16_t format_method, uint16_t format) { uint32_t access = format == G80_2D_SRC_FORMAT ? NOUVEAU_BO_RD : NOUVEAU_BO_WR; nvc0_2d_inline(renderer->pushbuf, format_method, format); if (buffer->bo->config.nvc0.memtype) { nvc0_2d(renderer->pushbuf, format_method + 0x04, 2, 0, buffer->bo->config.nvc0.tile_mode); } else { nvc0_2d_inline(renderer->pushbuf, format_method + 0x04, 1); nvc0_2d(renderer->pushbuf, format_method + 0x14, 1, buffer->base.base.pitch); } nvc0_2d(renderer->pushbuf, format_method + 0x18, 4, buffer->base.base.width, buffer->base.base.height, buffer->bo->offset >> 32, buffer->bo->offset); nouveau_bufctx_refn(renderer->bufctx, 0, buffer->bo, NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | access); } void renderer_fill_rectangle(struct wld_renderer *base, uint32_t color, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { struct nouveau_renderer *renderer = nouveau_renderer(base); struct nouveau_buffer *dst = renderer->target; uint32_t format; if (!ensure_space(renderer->pushbuf, 18)) return; format = nvc0_format(dst->base.base.format); nouveau_bufctx_reset(renderer->bufctx, 0); nvc0_2d_use_buffer(renderer, dst, G80_2D_DST_FORMAT, format); nvc0_2d(renderer->pushbuf, G80_2D_DRAW_SHAPE, 3, G80_2D_DRAW_SHAPE_RECTANGLES, format, color); nouveau_pushbuf_bufctx(renderer->pushbuf, renderer->bufctx); if (nouveau_pushbuf_validate(renderer->pushbuf) != 0) return; nvc0_2d(renderer->pushbuf, G80_2D_DRAW_POINT32_X(0), 4, x, y, x + width, y + height); } void renderer_copy_rectangle(struct wld_renderer *base, struct buffer *buffer_base, int32_t dst_x, int32_t dst_y, int32_t src_x, int32_t src_y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { struct nouveau_renderer *renderer = nouveau_renderer(base); if (buffer_base->base.impl != &wld_buffer_impl) return; struct nouveau_buffer *src = nouveau_buffer(&buffer_base->base), *dst = renderer->target; uint32_t src_format, dst_format; if (!ensure_space(renderer->pushbuf, 33)) return; src_format = nvc0_format(src->base.base.format); dst_format = nvc0_format(dst->base.base.format); nouveau_bufctx_reset(renderer->bufctx, 0); nvc0_2d_use_buffer(renderer, src, G80_2D_SRC_FORMAT, src_format); nvc0_2d_use_buffer(renderer, dst, G80_2D_DST_FORMAT, dst_format); nouveau_pushbuf_bufctx(renderer->pushbuf, renderer->bufctx); if (nouveau_pushbuf_validate(renderer->pushbuf) != 0) return; nvc0_2d_inline(renderer->pushbuf, G80_GRAPH_SERIALIZE, 0); nvc0_2d_inline(renderer->pushbuf, G80_2D_BLIT_CONTROL, G80_2D_BLIT_CONTROL_ORIGIN_CENTER | G80_2D_BLIT_CONTROL_FILTER_POINT_SAMPLE); nvc0_2d(renderer->pushbuf, G80_2D_BLIT_DST_X, 12, dst_x, dst_y, width, height, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, src_x, 0, src_y); renderer_flush(base); } void renderer_draw_text(struct wld_renderer *base, struct font *font, uint32_t color, int32_t x, int32_t y, const char *text, uint32_t length, struct wld_extents *extents) { struct nouveau_renderer *renderer = nouveau_renderer(base); struct nouveau_buffer *dst = renderer->target; uint32_t format; int ret; struct glyph *glyph; FT_UInt glyph_index; uint32_t c, count; int32_t origin_x = x; if (!ensure_space(renderer->pushbuf, 17)) return; format = nvc0_format(dst->base.base.format); nouveau_bufctx_reset(renderer->bufctx, 0); nvc0_2d_use_buffer(renderer, dst, G80_2D_DST_FORMAT, format); nvc0_2d_inline(renderer->pushbuf, G80_2D_SIFC_BITMAP_ENABLE, 1); nvc0_2d(renderer->pushbuf, G80_2D_SIFC_BITMAP_FORMAT, 6, G80_2D_SIFC_BITMAP_FORMAT_I1, 0, /* SIFC_FORMAT */ G80_2D_SIFC_BITMAP_LINE_PACK_MODE_ALIGN_BYTE, 0, color, /* SIFC_BITMAP_COLOR_BIT0, SIFC_BITMAP_COLOR_BIT1 */ 0 /* SIFC_BITMAP_WRITE_BIT0_ENABLE */ ); nouveau_pushbuf_bufctx(renderer->pushbuf, renderer->bufctx); if (nouveau_pushbuf_validate(renderer->pushbuf) != 0) return; if (length == -1) length = strlen(text); while ((ret = FcUtf8ToUcs4((FcChar8 *)text, &c, length)) > 0 && c != '\0') { text += ret; length -= ret; glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(font->face, c); if (!font_ensure_glyph(font, glyph_index)) continue; glyph = font->glyphs[glyph_index]; if (glyph->bitmap.width == 0 || glyph->bitmap.rows == 0) goto advance; count = (glyph->bitmap.pitch * glyph->bitmap.rows + 3) / 4; if (!ensure_space(renderer->pushbuf, 12 + count)) return; nvc0_2d(renderer->pushbuf, G80_2D_SIFC_WIDTH, 10, /* Use the pitch instead of width to ensure the correct * alignment is used. */ glyph->bitmap.pitch * 8, glyph->bitmap.rows, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, origin_x + glyph->x, 0, y + glyph->y); nv_add_dword(renderer->pushbuf, nvc0_command(GF100_COMMAND_TYPE_NON_INCREASING, GF100_SUBCHANNEL_2D, G80_2D_SIFC_DATA, count)); nv_add_data(renderer->pushbuf, glyph->bitmap.buffer, count); advance: origin_x += glyph->advance; } if (extents) extents->advance = origin_x - x; } void renderer_flush(struct wld_renderer *base) { struct nouveau_renderer *renderer = nouveau_renderer(base); nouveau_pushbuf_kick(renderer->pushbuf, renderer->channel); nouveau_pushbuf_bufctx(renderer->pushbuf, NULL); } void renderer_destroy(struct wld_renderer *base) { struct nouveau_renderer *renderer = nouveau_renderer(base); nvc0_2d_finalize(renderer); nouveau_bufctx_del(&renderer->bufctx); nouveau_pushbuf_del(&renderer->pushbuf); nouveau_object_del(&renderer->channel); free(renderer); } /**** Buffer ****/ bool buffer_map(struct buffer *base) { struct nouveau_buffer *buffer = nouveau_buffer(&base->base); /* If the buffer is tiled, it cannot be mapped into virtual memory in order * to appear linear like intel can do with map_gtt. */ if (buffer->bo->config.nvc0.tile_mode) return false; if (nouveau_bo_map(buffer->bo, NOUVEAU_BO_WR, buffer->context->client) != 0) { return false; } buffer->base.base.map = buffer->bo->map; return true; } bool buffer_unmap(struct buffer *base) { struct nouveau_buffer *buffer = nouveau_buffer(&base->base); if (munmap(buffer->bo->map, buffer->bo->size) == -1) return false; buffer->bo->map = NULL; base->base.map = NULL; return true; } void buffer_destroy(struct buffer *base) { struct nouveau_buffer *buffer = nouveau_buffer(&base->base); nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &buffer->bo); free(buffer); }