path: root/wayland
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-06-14Merge branch 'master' into trayDrew DeVault1-0/+1
2017-06-08include stdint to be compaitable with muslEkaterina Vaartis1-0/+1
2017-06-07Implement Tray IconsCalvin Lee1-0/+19
2017-03-18add missing ! for wl seat capsZandr Martin1-1/+1
2017-03-10UnGNUify the codebaseDrew DeVault2-0/+2
2016-12-14minor logic errorbarfoo11-1/+1
2016-12-09Fix build on FreeBSDGreg V1-0/+2
2016-11-28Fix memory leaks in swaybarDrew DeVault2-3/+7
2016-10-07parse pango markup in workspace names (and bugfix)D.B1-2/+4
2016-09-08fix pango markup on swaybarZandr Martin1-1/+2
2016-09-06Remove extraneous loggingDrew DeVault1-1/+0
2016-09-05Fix constant scale factor in font codeDrew DeVault1-6/+8
2016-09-05Add client support for HiDPIDrew DeVault4-9/+27
2016-09-05Initial testing on hidpi clientsDrew DeVault2-1/+4
2016-07-17Allow users to customize the cursor on clientsDrew DeVault1-1/+11
2016-07-16Fix warning in window.cDrew DeVault1-3/+2
2016-07-16Fix #753Drew DeVault1-1/+1
2016-07-15Enable windows to register to get notified when the mouse wheel is scrolledDavid Eklov1-1/+20
2016-07-15Rename pointer_input::notify to indicate that is called on button clicksDavid Eklov1-2/+2
2016-07-14Use int instead of wl_fixed_t for mouse coordinatesDavid Eklov1-2/+2
2016-07-06Enable windows to register to get notified of pointer button eventsDavid Eklov1-0/+10
2016-07-06Check capabilities before using pointer and keyboardDavid Eklov1-5/+30
2016-07-04Move code to make a window a shell surface into seperate functionDavid Eklov1-3/+7
2016-04-30wayland/registry.c: free() registry at registry_teardownSergi Granell1-0/+1
2016-04-28Explicitly mark static linking in CMakeTomáš Čech1-1/+1
2016-04-28Fix missing include pathsTomáš Čech1-0/+1
2016-04-17Flesh out pango markup implementationDrew DeVault1-6/+12
2016-04-17Add support for pango markupDrew DeVault1-1/+1
2016-03-30Make client/pango.h not depend on client/window.hMikkel Oscar Lyderik1-12/+10
2016-01-26Remove pointer from swaylock surfaceDrew DeVault1-11/+15
2016-01-25extract cairo_set_source_u32()Christoph Gysin1-1/+8
2015-12-20make gdk-pixbuf dependency really optionalprogandy2-3/+13
2015-12-15fix segfault when doesn't have a trailing '/'Nicolas Werner1-2/+2
2015-12-12Pass keys along from wayland backend to clientsDrew DeVault1-1/+19
2015-12-12Fix build issueDrew DeVault1-2/+2
2015-12-12Add some more keyboard handling for wayland clientsDrew DeVault1-16/+31
2015-12-10Initialize keyboard in registry pollDrew DeVault2-0/+73
2015-12-10Add keyboard handling shims to registryDrew DeVault1-0/+38
2015-12-10Discover swaylock extension in registryDrew DeVault1-0/+3
2015-12-10Refactor gdk pixbuf code into shared client libDrew DeVault2-0/+108
2015-12-05Free outputs on registry teardownDrew DeVault1-2/+2
2015-12-03remove archive from git, add *.a to gitignoreChristoph Gysin1-0/+0
2015-12-03Add swaylock protocol, add resource destructorsDrew DeVault1-0/+0
2015-12-02cmake: build common code only onceChristoph Gysin1-0/+17
2015-11-29Add text rendering support to wayland clientsDrew DeVault2-0/+63
2015-11-19Add wallpapers to output commandDrew DeVault1-2/+0
2015-11-19Refactor the crap out of wayland clientsDrew DeVault4-228/+249
2015-11-18Basic support for extensions in server and clientsDrew DeVault1-4/+9
2015-11-18Fix warning about uninitialized variableDrew DeVault1-0/+1
2015-11-18Exit if unable to allocate bufferDrew DeVault1-0/+3