path: root/hdl/id_stage.v
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authorSnuffick <aleks.bae@gmail.com>2015-09-21 14:52:33 +0300
committerSnuffick <aleks.bae@gmail.com>2015-09-21 14:52:33 +0300
commit3b6c45c55262fb5ad6a6eaff05e89d0faef47341 (patch)
treed9784a4ee337ef15c3a7e3822437712bc1deb1cf /hdl/id_stage.v
parentb3d9beada656bce070e8aeb2d74a859a29a54b56 (diff)
Отредактировал исходники
Diffstat (limited to 'hdl/id_stage.v')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/hdl/id_stage.v b/hdl/id_stage.v
index 387c420..43a6b03 100644
--- a/hdl/id_stage.v
+++ b/hdl/id_stage.v
@@ -3,186 +3,167 @@
Instruction decode pipeline stage
-module id_stage(
- input clk, rst,
- input reg_write,
- input [4:0] wreg_addr, // write register number
- input [31:0] wreg_data, // data to write into regfile
- input [31:0] instruction, next_i_addr, // instruction fetched, next instruction address
+module id_stage( input clk, rst,
+ input reg_write,
+ input [4:0] wreg_addr, // write register number
+ input [31:0] wreg_data, // data to write into regfile
+ input [31:0] instruction, next_i_addr, // instruction fetched, next instruction address
- // inputs to support forwarding
- input [1:0] rs_fwd_sel, rt_fwd_sel, // forwarding control signals
- input [31:0] mem_fwd_val, wb_fwd_val, // forwarded data values
- input hazard,
- // outputs
- output wire [4:0] id_rs,
- output wire [4:0] id_rt,
- output wire [5:0] id_opcode,
+ //inputs to support forwarding
+ input [1:0] rs_fwd_sel, rt_fwd_sel, // forwarding control signals
+ input [31:0] mem_fwd_val, wb_fwd_val, // forwarded data values
+ input hazard,
- output reg [31:0] ID_EX_A,
- output reg [31:0] ID_EX_B,
- output reg [4:0] ID_EX_rt,
- output reg [4:0] ID_EX_rs,
- output reg [4:0] ID_EX_rd,
- output reg [5:0] ID_EX_opcode,
- output reg [31:0] ID_EX_sign_extend_offset,
- output reg ID_EX_wb_reg_write,
- output reg ID_EX_wb_mem_to_reg,
- output reg ID_EX_mem_read,
- output reg ID_EX_mem_write,
- output reg ID_EX_ex_imm_command,
- output reg ID_EX_ex_alu_src_b,
- output reg ID_EX_ex_dst_reg_sel,
- output reg [1:0] ID_EX_ex_alu_op,
+ //outputs
+ output [4:0] id_rs,
+ output [4:0] id_rt,
+ output [5:0] id_opcode,
+ output reg [31:0] ID_EX_A,
+ output reg [31:0] ID_EX_B,
+ output reg [4:0] ID_EX_rt,
+ output reg [4:0] ID_EX_rs,
+ output reg [4:0] ID_EX_rd,
+ output reg [5:0] ID_EX_opcode,
+ output reg [31:0] ID_EX_sign_extend_offset,
+ output reg ID_EX_wb_reg_write,
+ output reg ID_EX_wb_mem_to_reg,
+ output reg ID_EX_mem_read,
+ output reg ID_EX_mem_write,
+ output reg ID_EX_ex_imm_command,
+ output reg ID_EX_ex_alu_src_b,
+ output reg ID_EX_ex_dst_reg_sel,
+ output reg [1:0] ID_EX_ex_alu_op,
- output [31:0] branch_addr, jump_addr, // branch and jump adresses
- output id_rt_is_source,
- output [1:0] if_pc_source
- );
- reg [31:0] A, B;
- wire [31:0] a_out;
- wire [31:0] b_out;
- wire [31:0] sign_extend_offset;
+ output [31:0] branch_addr, jump_addr, // branch and jump adresses
+ output id_rt_is_source,
+ output [1:0] if_pc_source );
+ reg [31:0] A, B;
+ wire [31:0] a_out;
+ wire [31:0] b_out;
+ wire [31:0] sign_extend_offset;
- wire ex_imm_command;
- wire ex_alu_src_b;
- wire ex_dst_reg_sel;
- wire [1:0] ex_alu_op;
- wire mem_read;
- wire mem_write;
- wire wb_mem_to_reg;
- wire wb_reg_write;
- wire is_nop;
- wire branch_eq;
+ wire ex_imm_command;
+ wire ex_alu_src_b;
+ wire ex_dst_reg_sel;
+ wire [1:0] ex_alu_op;
+ wire mem_read;
+ wire mem_write;
+ wire wb_mem_to_reg;
+ wire wb_reg_write;
+ wire is_nop;
+ wire branch_eq;
- regfile regfile_inst
- (
- .clk( clk ),
- .rst( rst ),
- .raddr1( instruction[25:21] ),
- .raddr2( instruction[20:16] ),
- .waddr( wreg_addr ),
- .wdata( wreg_data ),
- .w_en( reg_write ),
- .rdata1( a_out ),
- .rdata2( b_out )
- );
- // Forwarding muxes
- always @*
- begin
- A = 0;
- case (rs_fwd_sel)
- 0: A = a_out;
- 1: A = mem_fwd_val;
- 2: A = wb_fwd_val;
- endcase
+ regfile regfile_inst (
+ .clk( clk ),
+ .rst( rst ),
+ .raddr1( instruction[25:21] ),
+ .raddr2( instruction[20:16] ),
+ .waddr( wreg_addr ),
+ .wdata( wreg_data ),
+ .w_en( reg_write ),
+ .rdata1( a_out ),
+ .rdata2( b_out ));
+ // Forwarding muxes
+ always @* begin
+ A = 0;
+ case (rs_fwd_sel)
+ 0: A = a_out;
+ 1: A = mem_fwd_val;
+ 2: A = wb_fwd_val;
+ endcase
- always @*
- begin
- B = 0;
- case (rt_fwd_sel)
- 0: B = b_out;
- 1: B = mem_fwd_val;
- 2: B = wb_fwd_val;
- endcase
+ always @* begin
+ B = 0;
+ case (rt_fwd_sel)
+ 0: B = b_out;
+ 1: B = mem_fwd_val;
+ 2: B = wb_fwd_val;
+ endcase
+ end
+ assign sign_extend_offset = { { 16{instruction[15]} }, instruction [15:0]};
+ assign branch_addr = next_i_addr + ( sign_extend_offset << 2 );
+ assign jump_addr = {next_i_addr[31:28], instruction[25:0], 2'b00 };
+ assign branch_eq = ( A == B);
+ assign id_rs = instruction[25:21];
+ assign id_rt = instruction[20:16];
+ assign id_opcode = instruction[31:26];
+ assign is_nop = ~|instruction;
+ //Control Unit -- Opcode Decoder
+ control cunit_instance (
+ .opcode( instruction [31:26] ),
+ .branch_eq( branch_eq ),
+ .id_rt_is_source(id_rt_is_source),
+ .if_pc_source(if_pc_source),
+ .ex_imm_command(ex_imm_command),
+ .ex_alu_src_b(ex_alu_src_b),
+ .ex_dst_reg_sel(ex_dst_reg_sel),
+ .ex_alu_op(ex_alu_op),
+ .mem_read(mem_read),
+ .mem_write(mem_write),
+ .wb_mem_to_reg(wb_mem_to_reg),
+ .wb_reg_write(wb_reg_write));
+ //ID/EX Pipeline register
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst) begin
+ ID_EX_A <= 0;
+ ID_EX_B <= 0;
+ ID_EX_rt <= 0;
+ ID_EX_rs <= 0;
+ ID_EX_rd <= 0;
+ ID_EX_opcode <= 0;
+ ID_EX_sign_extend_offset <= 0;
+ ID_EX_wb_reg_write <= 0;
+ ID_EX_wb_mem_to_reg <= 0;
+ ID_EX_mem_read <= 0;
+ ID_EX_mem_write <= 0;
+ ID_EX_ex_imm_command <= 0;
+ ID_EX_ex_alu_src_b <= 0;
+ ID_EX_ex_dst_reg_sel <= 0;
+ ID_EX_ex_alu_op <= 0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ ID_EX_A <= A;
+ ID_EX_B <= B;
+ ID_EX_rt <= id_rt;
+ ID_EX_rs <= id_rs;
+ ID_EX_rd <= instruction[15:11];
+ ID_EX_opcode <= id_opcode;
+ ID_EX_sign_extend_offset <= sign_extend_offset;
+ if (is_nop || hazard) begin
+ ID_EX_wb_reg_write <= 0;
+ ID_EX_wb_mem_to_reg <= 0;
+ ID_EX_mem_read <= 0;
+ ID_EX_mem_write <= 0;
+ ID_EX_ex_imm_command <= 0;
+ ID_EX_ex_alu_src_b <= 0;
+ ID_EX_ex_dst_reg_sel <= 0;
+ ID_EX_ex_alu_op <= 0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ ID_EX_wb_reg_write <= wb_reg_write;
+ ID_EX_wb_mem_to_reg <= wb_mem_to_reg;
+ ID_EX_mem_read <= mem_read;
+ ID_EX_mem_write <= mem_write;
+ ID_EX_ex_imm_command <= ex_imm_command;
+ ID_EX_ex_alu_src_b <= ex_alu_src_b;
+ ID_EX_ex_dst_reg_sel <= ex_dst_reg_sel;
+ ID_EX_ex_alu_op <= ex_alu_op;
+ end
+ end
- assign sign_extend_offset = { { 16{instruction[15]} }, instruction [15:0]};
- assign branch_addr = next_i_addr + ( sign_extend_offset << 2 );
- assign jump_addr = {next_i_addr[31:28], instruction[25:0], 2'b00 };
- assign branch_eq = ( A == B);
- assign id_rs = instruction[25:21];
- assign id_rt = instruction[20:16];
- assign id_opcode = instruction[31:26];
- assign is_nop = ~|instruction;
- // Control Unit -- Opcode Decoder
- control cunit_instance (
- .opcode( instruction [31:26] ),
- .branch_eq( branch_eq ),
- .id_rt_is_source(id_rt_is_source),
- .if_pc_source(if_pc_source),
- .ex_imm_command(ex_imm_command),
- .ex_alu_src_b(ex_alu_src_b),
- .ex_dst_reg_sel(ex_dst_reg_sel),
- .ex_alu_op(ex_alu_op),
- .mem_read(mem_read),
- .mem_write(mem_write),
- .wb_mem_to_reg(wb_mem_to_reg),
- .wb_reg_write(wb_reg_write)
- );
- // ID/EX Pipeline register
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (rst)
- begin
- ID_EX_A <= 0;
- ID_EX_B <= 0;
- ID_EX_rt <= 0;
- ID_EX_rs <= 0;
- ID_EX_rd <= 0;
- ID_EX_opcode <= 0;
- ID_EX_sign_extend_offset <= 0;
- ID_EX_wb_reg_write <= 0;
- ID_EX_wb_mem_to_reg <= 0;
- ID_EX_mem_read <= 0;
- ID_EX_mem_write <= 0;
- ID_EX_ex_imm_command <= 0;
- ID_EX_ex_alu_src_b <= 0;
- ID_EX_ex_dst_reg_sel <= 0;
- ID_EX_ex_alu_op <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- ID_EX_A <= A;
- ID_EX_B <= B;
- ID_EX_rt <= id_rt;
- ID_EX_rs <= id_rs;
- ID_EX_rd <= instruction[15:11];
- ID_EX_opcode <= id_opcode;
- ID_EX_sign_extend_offset <= sign_extend_offset;
- if (is_nop || hazard) begin
- ID_EX_wb_reg_write <= 0;
- ID_EX_wb_mem_to_reg <= 0;
- ID_EX_mem_read <= 0;
- ID_EX_mem_write <= 0;
- ID_EX_ex_imm_command <= 0;
- ID_EX_ex_alu_src_b <= 0;
- ID_EX_ex_dst_reg_sel <= 0;
- ID_EX_ex_alu_op <= 0;
- end
- else begin
- ID_EX_wb_reg_write <= wb_reg_write;
- ID_EX_wb_mem_to_reg <= wb_mem_to_reg;
- ID_EX_mem_read <= mem_read;
- ID_EX_mem_write <= mem_write;
- ID_EX_ex_imm_command <= ex_imm_command;
- ID_EX_ex_alu_src_b <= ex_alu_src_b;
- ID_EX_ex_dst_reg_sel <= ex_dst_reg_sel;
- ID_EX_ex_alu_op <= ex_alu_op;
- end
- end
- end